Changing your skincare routine from summer to fall

Changing your skincare routine from summer to fall
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As the seasons change, your skin does too! As you swap your sundresses for sweaters, the same should be done with your skincare. It’s essential to modify your products to address your skin’s needs!

  1. ExfoliateScrub off that peeling sunburn and dead skin from summer for a fresher complexion! As your skin becomes drier in the fall, gentle exfoliation is the best way to stimulate natural oil production, get rid of flaky skin, and clear the pores of excess oil and dirt. Make sure to use a gentle exfoliator once or twice a week to avoid overdoing it.

  2. Revamp your moisturizer: Amp it up and switch to a thicker moisturizer to maintain that summer dewy skin! For even more moisture, consider adding a serum under your moisturizer.

  3. Don't neglect SPFJust because you're not spending your days basking in the sun anymore doesn't mean you should neglect sun protection. Sunscreen should be used year-round, rain or shine! Apply a moisturizer with an SPF 15 or higher to protect the skin in one easy step.

  4. Keep summer glow with a self-tannerKeep that sun-kissed color regardless of the time of year. A gradual self-tanner is a great way to maintain a subtle healthy glow. Before applying self-tanner, make sure to exfoliate and moisturize first to help ensure an even, bronzed look.

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