Moments with Marnie Alton, Founder of m/body

Moments with Marnie Alton, Founder of m/body
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The grit + passion from Marnie Alton makes us smile so big! We love the workout she created and teaches at m/body in her newly renovated studio in LA, and also love her energy and commitment to living a thoughtful balanced life. If you pop into the studio, check-out the RECESS collab in the retail section, an exclusive offering only available at m/body.

What's your daily routine?
I've learned the earlier I wake up, the better my day will ultimately be. That being said, sometimes teaching late or dinner meetings mean I don't get to bed as early as I'd like, so most days I'm up around 6:45am. The very first thing I do is prep a '24 oz. flush drink' to reset my internal system and get it ready for the new day (room temp water, organic lemon juice, ginger and cayenne pepper - don't sip just chug!). After that's finished I leash up my pups, grab a green tea and walk a couple of miles while listening to inspiring podcasts or audiobooks (just finished Dolly Parton's America and it was so good). This routine is like a moving meditation for me. Then I'm off to the studio to take on the day. If I'm not teaching classes, I'm in the office handling all the practical aspects of running a growing company: emails, teacher trainings, schedules, bills, social and marketing. I'm kinda like a one-woman band.

What's your favorite healthy habit?
Water. Water. Water! If I'm not drinking enough I can immediately see it in my skin and feel it in my energy levels.

What inspired you to start m/body?
This whole adventure started way back in 2014. I had just moved back to Los Angeles and found myself in one of those ‘in-between moments’ life sometimes throws our way. I started looking for a place to work my shit out, somewhere to help me get to the other side of whatever I was going through and figure out what was next. I needed somewhere that would sculpt both my mind and my body. I looked far and wide but just couldn’t find it. One day on my morning walk I was struck by ’that voice’...You know the one right? It tells you the truth and shows you the way even if it seems crazy or impossible at the time. It said, “If you can’t find it, you're just going to have to make it yourself”. I figured in that moment that if I was feeling this strongly about it there had to be other people out there looking for the same thing. I'd never dreamed of opening a fitness studio, or any other business for that matter, but that voice just wouldn't be silenced…so I listened. I got a credit card, drained my bank account, sold a bunch of stuff, moved in a tiny apartment and got to work. I went way outside of my comfort zone and asked for help. My friends and community showed up in ways I could have never imagined or can ever payback. It definitely takes a village. For the first year, I taught every class, returned every email, cleaned every toilet and almost dropped dead from exhaustion. I loved it!

Favorite workout that's not your own
Any movement that involves being outside with my dogs in the Cali sunshine. Walking, running, hiking... all the fun sweaty stuff!

Biggest challenge you've faced in work or life?
How to honor my emotions in a healthy way. To feel all the feels without being held hostage by them especially in stressful situations. I work on this every day, that balance between being brave and being vulnerable.

What inspires you?
My clients. They show up day after day and give me their all. How could I do anything but give my all back to them?! This exchange fills up my soul, it's my happy place.

What's your spirit animal and why?
Ummm... I think I've managed to bring up my pups in every answer so I guess I'd have to say a dog! They are pure love/joy with no conditions. Woof!

#myrecess is TEACHING

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