The gym in January can feel like a scary place. Whether you're already a 7-day/week exerciser, or a total newbie, the January scene is intimidating. Getting into your favorite class is a nightmare, the locker room is a free for all, the shower lines are never longer and the idea of waiting for the piece of equipment you want seems to defeat the entire purpose of staying focused. But don't get deterred! You set your goals, and we have some tips to help you navigate the gym-jungle.
6 tips for not letting the gym crazies get the best of you this season:
- Go at an off-peak time. Yes, we know that before work and after work are most popular, but if you have the flexibility the best time to go is from 10:30am-4pm. Block an hour on your calendar, treat it like a meeting, and you'll be amazed at how much you enjoy the experience and breaking up your day in a new way. Obviously keeping the RECESS Fit Kit in your gym bag will help you get back to the office quickly.
- Put calendar reminders in for when you need to book classes (some of you probably already do this, but we'll take all the help we can get). There's nothing worse than that "oh shoot! I forgot to book my favorite _______ class". Help yourself and add recurring calendar reminders to your cal. Our type-A friends will appreciate this tip.
- Get outside! Yes, it is winter in January, but Olympians train in adverse conditions and so can you. It's good for you! If you need a break from the crowds go for a run or hop on a Citibike. You can even turn it into an adventure to explore a new neighborhood or download some fresh tunes.
- Invite a friend over for an at-home workout. We have some favorite apps for an at-home workout like obé, ModelFIt or Tracy Anderson Digital DVD's. Lately we've been into the obé workouts because they're 28-minutes or less but still leave you with a next-day soreness. And because your living room isn't always inspiring we like the idea of having a friend come over to join you and grabbing a juice or coffee afterwards.
- Find another option. If your usual gym is packed, see if there's an alternative near your office, or a studio you haven't tried yet, or a small gym in your building that can supplement your January workouts. Don't lock yourself into a contract but maybe try a few one-week trials to just get you through the month.
- Just roll with it! Smile and say hi to someone waiting in the shower line with you. Bring your patience, wear some new gear, and let the community around you be part of your inspiration.