Moments with Toni Capomazza, Owner of Zoe

Moments with Toni Capomazza, Owner of Zoe
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Meet wonder-mom and local business owner Toni Capomazza. Based in Oxford, Mississippi, the home of Ole Miss, this local woman inspires us with the way she is always open to adventure and hard work, plus a dose of balance. She owns 3 businesses in Oxford, including Zoe where you can now find RECESS. 

What's your daily routine?
My day begins around 6:30am. I start with coffee and then immediately wake 2 of my children up to get ready for school. School drop off is finished by 8:15 and then I collect myself and head to work. I manage three locations: a salon, spa and my retail store. This includes anything from working behind the chair to employee relations and client interaction. My work day ends around 5:30pm and then it’s time to head home to do dinner and bath for the little ones. They start going to bed around 7:00pm and the last one usually goes down by 9:30pm. After that, I either get some work done on the computer or have some quiet time before sleep and then up and at all again the next day.

What's your favorite healthy habit?
I love to go on walks when I have time and I drink a lot of water. I am a fan of Juice Plus shakes and vitamins. I have those daily. 

What inspired you to start Zoe?
Zoe was my third business to purchase. It has been locally owned for the past 14 years so when it became available for purchase we felt that it was a good fit into our brands. With owning a full service salon and spa having a cosmetic, gift and fragrance store seemed to be the next step in our growth.  

Biggest challenge you've faced in work or life
I think my biggest challenge in life is motherhood. I have four children: 17, 5, 3, and 1 and it takes every ounce of me to be a good mother - to teach my children good values - to hope they brush their teeth - to teach them responsibility and decision making - to be assets to society one day. I struggle when to hold back and when to let go; do they really need that cookie? Is it really going to kill them if they don't eat celery sticks and carrots all the time? I mean, I'm lucky if they eat ANY thing some days.  

Not only am I a mother of four, I own three successful businesses and have over 30 employees. I'm in a constant state of am I working too much and not spending enough quality time with my children? Are they going to value me as a working mother, or see me as never being there? I face challenges and frustrations with motherhood all the time but at the end of the day I know and my children know that they they are loved and we are doing the best we can.

What inspires you?
I'm inspired by helping people feel their best self. I am a cosmetologist and I help people every day feel beautiful about themselves. It can be as little as a tip about changing the way they part their hair to listening to them and really just allowing them to talk without judgement or interruption.  We as cosmetologists sometimes solve all kinds of problems from behind the beauty chair. So, helping other people definitely inspires me.

What's your spirit animal and why?
My spirit animal is a wolf. I don't plan much but I am up for the task and adventure whenever it takes place being that in my personal life or work life. I strive every day to come out on top and put my best foot forward but I also know to balance myself with wanting harmony and peace.

#myrecess is a hot bath. Somehow it gets me completely refocused and rejuvenated! I also like to add a glass of wine!

Zoe: 265 N Lamar Blvd, Ste F, Oxford, Mississippi 38655

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